Jamie Holloway

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Sometimes normal is hard. And sometimes it's as simple as going for a run, throwing on some lipstick, and heading to chemo.

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Talking to kids about cancer? There’s an app for that

Just after arriving home from a support group meeting with other breast cancer moms with little kids where we’d been talking about just this issue, I got an email about a new, free app Celgene developed to help families facing that discussion. They created The Magic Tree app (download it at magictreebreastcancer.com or from the App Store or Google Play Store) for kids who are I would be remiss not to point out that while men can get breast cancer, this app is designed with a mom as the cancer patient. But The Magic Tree app is an excellent resource for parents, and it could be a great starting point for discussions for many families facing a mom’s diagnosis with breast cancer.

Talking to kids about cancer? There’s an app for that

Just after arriving home from a support group meeting with other breast cancer moms with little kids where we’d been talking about just this issue, I got an email about a new, free app Celgene developed to help families facing that discussion. They created The Magic Tree app (download it at magictreebreastcancer.com or from the App Store or Google Play Store) for kids who are I would be remiss not to point out that while men can get breast cancer, this app is designed with a mom as the cancer patient. But The Magic Tree app is an excellent resource for parents, and it could be a great starting point for discussions for many families facing a mom’s diagnosis with breast cancer.

Five Years

While it’s not true for most breast cancer patients whose breast cancer can still come back ten, fifteen, even twenty years later, once a triple negative patient gets to five years past diagnosis with no mets, the risk for recurrence is negligible. I think making it this far, I’m coming to terms with the fact that I probably won’t die from breast cancer. It’s so hard be happy for myself as I grieve for my friends, knowing that 113 women and men will die of metastatic breast cancer in this country every single day. It’s hard to celebrate, knowing how many won’t get that chance.

Five Years

I’ve said it here before. I love when I struggle to write a piece, and in doing so, I learn something about myself

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