Xander Stroud

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🖊️Freelance artist, trying to be someone better than who I am today 🔗 #XDSAstudio @poppyapparelshops ambassador 🖊️Commissions: open 💱 trades: open

Member Since JANUARY 14, 2019
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How Can I Help If I Can’t Tell If My Friend or Loved One Is Struggling with Postpartum Depression?

That’s a really good question, especially if the new mom doesn’t even know she has postpartum depression (PPD) and many new moms (I am guilty of this) want to hide the fact that they are struggling because they think that that would be a sign that they’re not as good of a mom as they’d imagined themselves to be. New mothers struggling with a perinatal mood disorder should focus more on getting better and getting help than on feeling bad they even need help or are struggling. The Huffpost article lists the National Institute of Mental Health website and of course Postpartum Support International (PSI) as helpful resources that list common and unfortunately under-recognized signs. The Huffpost article does mention that “postpartum care in the United States is anemic” but I won’t go into this because this would take up an entire blog post on its own.

Lunar New Year 2021 – Year of the Ox – February 12, 2021

I created a 1-pager (link below) that contains 8 (8 is a lucky number for the Chinese) key points on the Lunar New Year on one side and a little tutorial on stroke order for the ox character in Chinese plus a fun Word Search activity on the other side. Thus, it became a tradition to set off firecrackers at midnight on New Year’s Eve and again in the morning on New Year’s Day to bring good luck for the new year. If you ever wondered why the red paper from spent firecrackers is left around for at least a day, it’s based on the belief that if the paper away is swept away immediately, good luck would be swept along with it.6. If you ever wondered why the red paper from spent firecrackers is left around for at least a day, it’s based on the belief that if the paper away is swept away immediately, good luck would be swept along with it.6.

A new year and a new perspective on things

n’t know when I’m going to feel up to returning to Facebook, but I found out something during my 1-week reprieve. Second, I’ve learned that even people who use Facebook regularly don’t necessarily realize that a daily Facebook poster like me who has suddenly deactivated her account for no apparent reason just might be going through a rough patch and a hello would be nice. Third, sure, Facebook kept me buoyed from crashing mentally during the past 4 years of sheer hell (which is thankfully ending on 1/20) because of all the like-minded groups I’ve found and local friends I’ve made. , I’m still able to stay optimistic because the Dems won the GA run-offs 2 days ago, flipping the Senate and we are finally ditching Mitch and the so-called leader of this country that has successfully incited hatred and divided citizens like no other President has done.

Winter is no friend of mine

super low vitamin D levels Too much computer time causing a large bump on the back of my hand 80-90 hours of mouse usage weekly Other health issues stubbornly refusing to go away And finally, starting 3 days ago, teariness I saw friends on Zoom today New Year’s Day With 2020 behind us And initial optimism for 2021 all-too-unhealthily consumed me For 80-90 hours a week, I get up, go to work, and go to bed Repeat that over and over and over and over again 2020 has left a bad taste in my mouth On top of the pandemic It was daily ridiculousness of a disastrous presidency With a pandora’s box of hatred galore The return of sun and warmth and colors Time spent outdoors Time spent with friends Might help me to remember There is more to life Than my winter blues lens is showing me

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