In this episode of #AskPaulKirtley I talk about tarps (yes again), fire hardening of spears and the potential for making them more brittle, froth in water after it has been through a Millbank bag or Brown bag, and my views on hunting within bushcraft…
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‘Fire hardening’ spear wood does slightly harden it, but makes it much weaker and more brittle
APK episode 48, including foam in streams
PK Podcast 011: Andy Chadderton On Life
As A Professional Deer Stalker
PK Podcast 025: Andy Chadderton Q&A – Deer Stalking, Ethics, Land Management, Rewilding, Advice To Beginners & More
So, just in the same way I’d previously write an email answer, here I’m going to speak the answer (which is much quicker than me typing out an answer, so