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Everywhere I go, I seem to take pictures. Sometimes I even take pictures of my finger or a blurry mess. Read my blog for more.

Social Audience 290
  • No categories for me, yet!
Genetic Testing and Non-High Risk

"A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute indicates that screening the general population for mutations in specific genes is a more cost-effective way to detect people at risk and prevents more breast and ovarian cancers compared to only screening patients with a personal or family history of these diseases. You would find people who did not know they were high risk and help prevent many more cases of breast and ovarian cancer. The researchers then suggest: "Population testing for breast and ovarian cancer gene mutations is the most cost-effective strategy which can prevent these cancers in high risk women and save lives,” said the paper's lead researcher, Ranjit Manchanda. "Our findings support broadening genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer genes across the entire population beyond just the current criteria based clinical approach..."" It may be cost effective but that is not a way to treat patients.

Why I Don't Blog About Breast Cancer As Much Any More

I started this blog when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Blogging really helped me cope with my cancer and its treatment

Thoughts on Coping

I started this blog when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Blogging really helped me cope with my cancer and its treatment

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