CAJ Spirituality

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Spirituality Made Simple®

Social Audience 21K
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Mindfulness Activities: 7 Mindful Activities You Can Do to Create a Positive Mindset

Mindfulness is defined as, “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. ” And while this definition seems basic and obvious, the reality is most of us aren’t mindful

Inspirational Stories: The 5 Chapters of Life Told in 147 Words

How many times have you made a choice you knew would be the wrong one, but you did it anyway? How many times have you allowed yourself to be tied to a routine you knew was no longer serving you? How many times have you taken action, knowing the results wouldn’t be in your favor, yet you did it anyway? Most of us live our lives doing the same thing day after day. Even when things aren’t working for us, and we aren’t happy with them, we still continue to make the same choices, see the same people, take the same actions… And then eventually we wake up and realize our routines and habits are no longer serving us, and our lives begin to shift

Manifestation of Money: Make Money Doing What You Love Using this Simple 7-Step Solution (And What to Avoid)

Here are 7 steps you can take to manifest money in your life and a few things to avoid along the way: Step 1: Money-first thinking is what creates societies of unhappy people who feel stuck working jobs they can’t stand, buying things they don’t need and doing things they aren’t passionate about doing. Too many of us put off what we love doing because we think we don’t have time, or think our time is better spent doing things that make us money now. Let’s say you love playing the piano, and you want to create a life where you can make money composing music, but you don’t know where to begin.

Mindset for Success: 7 Life-Changing Mindset Tips That Will Set You on The Path to Success (If You Practice Them)

If you don’t know where to begin start small — read a book, journal, set goals (and follow through with them), explore a new neighborhood, challenge yourself to learn how to do something new, etc. When it comes to having a mindset for success, one of the biggest challenges many people face is taking chances. It’s often a scary thing to risk what’s comfortable and familiar with what’s new and unknown — and that stops a lot of us from going for what we really want in life! A positive mindset is a mindset for success because it will keep you focused on all that you have, how far you’ve come, and where you’re going next without feeling defeated.

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