His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche was the 11th Throneholder of The Palyul Lineage of Nyingma. He is considered to have been one of the of the foremost masters of the Buddhist tradition of Tibet.
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His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche was the 11th Throneholder of The Palyul Lineage of Nyingma. He is considered to have been one of the of the foremost masters of the Buddhist tradition of Tibet.
Today, with the Moon in Libra close to the asteroid Pallas-Athena, there is an opportunity for employing diplomacy in the way you emotionally relate to others.
People are more forceful with how they communicate so develop skills in dealing with willfulness (without wisdom) in others.
Anything that helps develop your flexibility prepares you for any sudden changes that will occur.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.~
Theme: Off to the races!
With the planet of thought and communication, Mercury, entering the fiery, action sign, Aries, a new cycle begins.
For a few weeks, the pace of life increases, and imagination and inspiration are strong
Intuition might be strong but it is mixed in heavily with one’s own emotional complexes!
There is a friendly atmosphere today but beware of socially over-extending yourself and making your plans too big.
Mind-altering substances are particularly harmful at this time.
”, thought poor Alice “to pretend to be two people! !
With the Moon moving in the the sign of Virgo it’s time for elbow grease in cleaning the difficult-to-get-to places and sprucing up your environment generally.
With the Sun moving ever closer to Uranus over the next week it’s time to prepare your mind in ways that create suppleness and flexibility when the inevitable, but unexpected, changes come.
You know you’re really in trouble when you’ve had both the wool pulled over your eyes AND the rug pulled out from under your feet!
Today the Moon is Void of Course from 9.40 pm EDST USA the day before until 6.15 am.