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Blog Income Report For January and February 2021

My blog income report for January and February doesn’t look much better than the previous income reports, but I’ve managed to make some money. That’s less than $12 I have made in December, but it’s very good to see that people actually buy the products through Amazon affiliate links on my blog. As I already wrote at the beginning of this blog income report, I have earned $4,50 from Amazon Associates in February. I’m sure that the income will increase once I start receiving more visitors and I’m also sure that the results I’ve had with Amazon Associates are much better than the results I’ve had with all other affiliate networks.

Best Long Term Investment Is...Education, Of Course!

Education can help you socialize: If you don’t spend a lot of time with people, you can attend various workshops and seminars and meet people with similar interests. People often talk about the following three types of education: Formal education or formal learning, informal education, and non-formal education. If you would like to start your own money-making blog, Michelle offers a completely free email course on how to start a blog and how to make money with it. Ben Carlson started his investing blog to share information about investing, wealth management, financial markets, and the psychology of investing.

Monthly Income Report

Although the traffic was almost the same as in November, I have earned $12 from Amazon Affiliate Program. On the other hand, I didn’t have any earnings from Media.net, so I’ve decided to remove Media.net ads completely and focus more on Amazon products. As I already wrote at the beginning of this monthly income report, I have earned $12 from Amazon Associates in December. I still don’t have enough traffic to say that Amazon Associates is the best affiliate program that I can have, but I can see that people click on Amazon ads, and these clicks convert to sales.

Free Dividend Investing Ebook And 2021 Personal Goals

Most dividend investing books I’ve read don’t offer a clear stock investing strategy. My free dividend investing ebook will give you simple step-by-step instructions on how to select the best dividend stocks in order to create your own passive income source. On the other hand, since I’ve been working from home, I managed to save a lot of money. I had a quite large personal loan (around $20000) and I’ve managed to pay it off almost in full by saving money and selling most of my stock portfolio.

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