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Earth911 Reader: Hot Year, Earth Overshoot Delayed, and COVID Environmental Fallout

This week, we look at 2020’s track to becoming one of the three hottest years on record, the impact of lockdowns on human use of the Earth’s resources, and a variety of recycling and sustainability news stories that give us hope. The study showed that white-throated sparrows exposed to one storm a week increased their bodies’ energy stores as a survival mechanism; and two storms per week depleted the songbirds’ ability to add to, or draw upon, their energy reserves,” reports. In another interesting example of how changing human activity in response to the Pandemic can rapidly transform the recycling industry, a paper recycling plant will switch from printing and writing paper production to make cardboard packaging instead. This approach provides a payment to coal-using utilities to switch to solar and can take other forms such as buying coal resources and even provide consumers with lower-priced solar options to help move the infrastructure away from coal-fired energy.

Eco-friendly Toddler Pillows

But once a child graduates to regular bedding, eco-minded parents will be looking for a pillow that is as safe for the planet as it is for their child. Parents should look for a pillow scaled to a toddler’s body — around 12 by 16 inches long and only 2 to 3 inches thick to eliminate neck strain. They also offer a GOTS certified organic children’s pillow with an organic cotton cover around a blend of organic kapok and organic cotton. Easy Breather, Jr. child’s pillow is a bit larger and softer than a toddler pillow, but still small enough to be comfortable for a child.

Earth911 Quiz #57: Earth Day's Past

Every year on Earth Day, people gather to pick up litter, plant trees, demonstrate support for environmental protection, and raise awareness of the issues taxing our blue planet. As we get closer to Earth Day 2019, this Earth911 quiz looks into some facts about Earth Day’s past. Every week, challenges you with quizzes that test your sustainability savvy and help you make environmentally friendly choices when you shop, use products, and dispose of unwanted items.

Do Metal Roofs Save Energy?

The popularity of metal roofs has soared in recent years because of their durability, energy efficiency, and environmental performance. Even just a small leak can cause significant problems in the home, and an inefficient roof can create energy performance issues throughout the home. A study funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and conducted by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory shows why metal roofs promote energy conservation in the home. Aside from a higher upfront cost, metal roofs beat asphalt shingle roofs hands down on energy efficiency and environmental performance.

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