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Visit for tips advice & strategies from Australia's leading property, tax & finance experts. I'm a best selling author on wealth creation thru property. Sharing analysis, articles & commentary on real estate investment.

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[Podcast] Coronavirus – who’s going to be hit the hardest? With Simon Kuestenmacher

Today, I’ll be talking with leading demographer Simon Kuestenmacher, Director of Research at The Demographics Group, and a columnist with The Australian who is globally recognized as a rising star in the field of data management and insight and a regular guest here on my podcast, about his research into coronavirus, In lieu of medical data, because we don’t have much of that, we can look at demographic data to see where the people who are most at risk live. Tasmania and South Australia are the two oldest states and have the bulk of the older population of Australia. low-density suburban sprawl make us different from the more densely packed residents of the Chinese and Italian cities?

[Podcast] Here’s why property forecasts fail, but why we still need them

Would you like me to forecast what property values are going to be in two to three years’ time, or which areas will have the best growth? Today, I’ll have a chat with Pete Wargent about forecasts, why they don’t work and what you can do to have a better idea about what’s to come. If they don’t ask and answer the right questions, they won’t provide accurate information. None Seek unlimited upside – if you pick high-quality assets in the right areas, over the long run, the compound growth has seemingly limitless upside

[Podcast] The 4 big questions investors are asking now about property and COVID-19

On today’s show, I’m going to have a chat with Ken Raiss, director of Metropole Wealth Advisory, and together we’ll answer four common questions that we’re being asked about the crisis by clients. What’s going to happen to the property market in the short term? What’s going to happen to the property market in the long term? First-time buyers started the year strong, and they’ll be back because they’re in it for the long term.

[Podcast] The Rich are in the business of manufacturing luck

The Rich Habits are various habits that self-made millionaires either learned from a parent, mentor or through the school of hard knocks. Because many of the Rich Habits are Keystone Habits, adopting just one can help you automatically eliminate two or more Poor Habits, which are overwhelmed by each Rich Habit you forge. As you adopt more Rich Habits, those good habits will eventually create the opportunity for good luck to occur in your life. Get your own copy of our international bestseller Rich Habits Poor Habits Join Michael Yardney and Tom Corley at Wealth Retreat

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