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Social Audience 0
  • Moz DA 14
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My House Is For Sale!

Remodeling then getting a house ready to sell is no joke. I’m one of those creepy people that likes to go through open houses when I’m not even house hunting just to see (and judge silently) what other people are doing with their decor. So today I give you a peek into my own house, which has been painted “neutral” for mass appeal which I don’t Love-love, but I’m still very proud of the home I raised my babies in for five years, creating a lot of wonderful mommy memories and putting a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into the details.

Actual Things: Werk + The Auto Professor

Actual things that have happened since I came back to a professional office environment: I came in one morning, put my lunch into the work fridge, then pointed my car keys at it and hit the lock button. Walked into the conference room mid-meeting, realized it was not the meeting I was supposed to be in, then silently pretended “getting an important email on my phone Tried to sit down in my office chair, but as I leaned into it the wheels started rolling backward resulting in a tricep dip position slow motion fall where I missed the edge and ended up on the floor under my desk. Speaking of traffic, I wanted to share with you guys a company I recently heard about called The Auto Professor, which gives car buyers safety ranking of their vehicles based on REAL-LIFE crash data.

How Does She Do It: Brooke Yoder

So politics aside: if you’ve ever been curious what it’s like to be a Congressman’s wife, here’s a little background you might find interesting. Do you ever have moments where you feel like people define you by your husband’s job? BY: I came to terms with my husband’s success years ago, but when we were first married, I would get jealous when people didn’t recognize my success. Ending on a light note, what’s a little tidbit people wouldn’t expect about you and Kevin?

Of Pie and Bravery

I also remember the first and last names of each boy I had crush on in subsequent grades up until middle school when I had THE BIG crush on one boy for like four years. And each time we talk about these outcomes it becomes clear that any of those responses would prove him to be unworthy of the crush, rendering said crush null and void. Cut to the other night at bedtime cuddles, she gave a little sigh and said, “I don’t think any boys in my class have a crush on me. This is about when I stopped myself from going on along the lines of “pie comes and goes but friendship is forever, there’s plenty of pie in the sea, a pie in the face is worth two in the…

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