Genevieve Esgate

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Leave me Breastless is dedicated to helping all those brave women having gone through breast cancer, look and feel fantastic with their new chest.

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You’ve Survived Breast Cancer, But Are You Ok?

It would be nice to think that after you have battled breast cancer that you could feel the same emotional strength as you did before, but often the reality is a very different story. Really, I am still navigating this whole breast cancer/no boobs thing and that’s totally ok. So while I feel like I’ve been battling psychologically with my appearance over the last 5 years (as would women who have chosen to reconstruct, adjusting to a different chest that they ever knew), I’m guessing that I’m definitely not alone. I think it’s safe to say that women who have had breast cancer are going to be a little less self-confident in their appearance.

Truth Be Told

Truth be told, I regularly need a break from cancer, which is probably why you haven’t heard from me in a while. I needed to just live my life a bit without thinking of cancer

Meet Miss December!

One of the big highlights for me was meeting the other models who in my eyes are amazing, inspirational women and oh So Brave! ! I guess it’s fair to say that in my day to day life, I don’t know many other women who are just like me or who had been through what I have been through. You Nyrie, are the perfect reason that it is totally worth repeatedly bringing about awareness to women of the real risks of breast cancer. I am grateful for the So Brave organisation for bringing back the confidence in so many young women who have experienced breast cancer, as well as doing the important job of raising awareness in those young women who are at the prime of their lives and really need to know their body.

Celebrate Motherhood!

And while it’s full of surprises, and things have happened that I could never even imagine possible, it’s utterly crazy to think that I wouldn’t change a thing…. I remember the days of having more superficial aspirations, but as many people say, you have to experience life before you realise there’s so much more depth to it. So while I’m in a good place, it’s my opportunity to be there for others to make an impact on this world and to help other people however I can. Mother’s Day today

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