RoarLoud - Cathy Merrifield

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We are travel writers sharing our love of travel featuring off the beaten path adventures, and many lesser known destinations on We try anything from backpacking through the Andes of Peru to luxury travel in Canada. Adventure seeking and a passion for outdoor adventures leads us to hike often all over the world, while our knees are able. When not venturing abroad we highlight living in New England on our site Of course all the adventure has led us to find amazing street art in our travels, which we share on This site features a monthly chat on the last Monday of the month on #StreetArtChat on Twitter.
Speaking of Twitter Chats, The first Sunday of the month we host the very popular all day chat #SundaySunsets with Always5Star. We are all about sharing the love of travel, that includes sharing your travels too so reach out and say hello!

Member Since FEBRUARY 05, 2019
Social Audience 79K Last Month
  • Moz DA 34 Last Month
  • Moz DA 24
  • Moz DA 23

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This member has not connected a professional Instagram account.

This member has not connected a professional Instagram account.

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  • Traveling
How to Help the Homeless in New Hampshire

Every day Dawn and Kelly are working to do all they can to help those who need the most help, the homeless. While the ultimate goal may be to open a facility for the complete treatment of addiction, the more immediate goal is to address the most urgent needs. Shelter, warm clothes, food are the basic but most essential ways to help the homeless. It is not uncommon for Dawn to set up Zoom calls to connect people with physicians willing to help, keep the calendar of important meetings, and do everything in her power to get people help

Learn to Be a Good Hiker In the Age of COVID

Leaving trash of any kind on trail or thrown into nature is just awful to look at, spoils the beauty for others, and can endanger wildlife. There doesn’t need to be a debate about what is the half-life of a banana peel, if you brought it into nature just bring a big ziplock bag and pack it all out. You may think it is only a small painted stone on a summit or cairn of rocks you make on trail, but where is the line? Does it end at 1000 painted rocks cluttering the beauty of nature or maybe the decorative cairn you put on trail that ends up sending a hiker in the wrong direction?

The Groton Inn: The Perfect Place to Relax and Reconnect

We all desperately want a break from the chaos this last year has presented, but safety is always a concern. The Groton Inn provided a much-needed break to relax and not worry, even if it was for a short time. The Groton Inn staff understands that and will go out of their way to make your stay a memorable one. In New England you never know if a fall day will feel like summer or winter, be prepared and pack for both.

Parvati’s Art: A Challenge to Viewers

The fact that her father was a musician greatly helped her artistic education. It consists in giving subjects impressed or blurred contours which accentuate more or less depth. To these techniques, she also added research in mannerism for sacred poses and other subtle details. These ink paintings usually concern a subject’s body that can be easily pasted.

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