
Score (What’s this?)

Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.

Social Audience 0
  • Moz DA 15
  • Family and Relationships
  • Healthy Living
  • Women's Health
  • Medical Health
  • Pop Culture
  • Style & Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Traveling
Survivors in the Wild

I don’t think about cancer every hour. So I may not think about myself in terms of cancer as much, but I do think about it in terms of other people all the time. As much as I would like to say that I want to speak with her because I want to be a glimpse into her healthy future, an ear to really hear and understand her story, it’s actually about me. Of course I don’t mean that I hope people have cancer.

When Cancer Survivors Collide

This weekend I threw on my comfiest sequin travel wear and flew down to Orlando to the Young Survival Coalition’s Annual Summit where I was to be not only a participant, but a speaker. Fun side note about air travel in sequins– you will basically make the body scanner machine implode upon itself with alerts and require a thorough, full body pat down


I saw my oncologist last week for a check-up. These visits are pretty uneventful these days which is the way you want your oncology appointments

One for the Team

She tells me that there is good research showing that cannabis suppositories for both the vagina and rectum reduce pelvic pain significantly, although short term. It is being used for severe menstrual cramps, sciatic pain and other pelvic pain related issues. She went on to tell me that there is emerging research supporting the use of vaginal cannabis suppositories to promote sexual desire and pleasure. Of course I had to be helped by a cute young guy who asked if I have used them before for pelvic pain to which I replied, ‘uh

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