Erin Tannehill

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I am a Southern Arkansas-based homestead writer and social media manager. After being tired of living with clutter and becoming educated on the dangers of industrial farming, my husband and I made the decision to change our lives. We moved onto a larger piece of virgin land to simplify our lives and start our modern homestead. The Tannehill Homstead was born as a way to share my story and encourage others to live a simpler lifestyle.

Location Fouke, Arkansas South USA
Member Since JUNE 28, 2018
Social Audience 3K
  • Moz DA 35

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3 Versatile Home Decor Pieces for Homemakers with NOMA Collective

I really do think NOMA Collective is a great company that truly wants to add joy to the world through artisan goods, which is why I’m so excited to dive into how I use versatile home decor pieces in my home! The first way I like to use this tray is to hold other home decor to bring a sense of belonging to things on my dresser. Tables of all kinds often could use a tray to center decor or hold things you use frequently, like a remote. That’s why I want to thank NOMA Collective again for sponsoring today’s post and allowing me to use these pieces to show how you can be a minimalist and appreciate beautiful and versatile home decor pieces.

How to Start Decluttering When Overwhelmed & where to Start

Many people want to declutter their environment but have a hard time knowing where to start. There are many ways to declutter, but there is only one simple way to start decluttering when overwhelmed. The whole point of decluttering when overwhelmed is reduce your overwhelm, so it is important to get the items you declutter our of your home as soon as possible. If you don’t want to worry with selling or have items worth less than your minimum, donating is a great option!

Why I Quit Social Media & My Advice for Anyone Considering It Too

It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy the people I met through social media, but it just isn’t the same. This decision to quit social media entirely wasn’t like taking a social media detox where I knew that I would return at the end of it. Yes, you do miss some things about people’s lives, but you’ll find that it doesn’t matter so much because y’all weren’t actually close to begin with, and surprisingly that’s okay. It doesn’t matter if these things are bucket list items or things you were already planning on doing.

Zero-Waste Cooking: What it is And How to do it

There are many reasons I could tell you why I can’t, such as not having a bulk store to shop for groceries, but the truth is that bulk stores aren’t the only way to achieve zero-waste cooking in your home. To better share all the ways you can achieve zero-waste cooking, I’ve invited my sustainable living friend, Farah, to share all of her tips and tricks with you so that we can all be that much closer to zero-waste cooking in all of our homes! If a food item you’re going to use is on sale for buy one get one fifty percent off or something like that, but you know you don’t actually need extra of that item, don’t buy it. Even if you think you might use it, it’s best to be safe rather than sorry, especially if you know you do this kind of thing a lot but never actually end up using all of it (I’m also guilty of having done this, but being conscious of it helps!).

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