Lizzie Lau

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Lizzie is a Vancouver based freelance travel writer, editor, web designer, and owner of Lizzie Lau Travels, a blog dedicated to inspiring parents to explore the world with their kids. After nearly 20 years of world travel as a chef on private yachts, she jumped ship in Central America to start a family. Now as a single mom, she continues to seek out adventures to enjoy with her daughter Vivi (9). Vivi will be happy to tell you all about the time a 20” whale shark bumped our kayak in the Sea of Cortez!

Location Blaine, Washington Pacific North West
Country United States of America
Member Since NOVEMBER 03, 2018
Social Audience 18K Last Month
  • Moz DA 35
lizzielautravels 3K Last Month Last 3 Months
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  • Engagement Rate 0.0% 0.0%
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Top 14 Fun Things To Do In Amsterdam With Kids

To Do In Amsterdam With Kids Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands, is filled with family-friendly adventure. The city is built on the canal system and old colorful architecture and you’ll be amazed at the many fun things to do in Amsterdam with kids. This city is also famous for its educational activities and museum; therefore, almost 20 million people visited the city annually. When the sun is shining bright, take a boat tour to discover the picturesque Amsterdam; the best of the city is visible from the canal system.

Campfire Cooking Pro Tips

Follow our campfire cooking pro tips so you can cook like a pro over a campfire with little more than a fire and a dutch oven. Use foil to line your Dutch Oven if you need to cook simple things like pot roast potatoes or meat. Place your food on top of the foil with seasoning, oil, cover the Dutch Oven with a lid, and place coals on top of the lid to create an oven-like atmosphere. If you have spare time, leave a little recipe card in each meal-prep bag, so if you want to take a night off cooking and leave it to someone else on the trip, all they need to do is follow the instructions, making life a little easier.

Hiring a Personal Stylist in Vancouver

I quickly went through my closet and made a large pile of things to donate and a small pile of things I would still happily wear around the house or to the gym. My closet isn’t jam-packed with options, and I’ve found that I’m still most comfortable in jeans and ankle boots – I feel like a badass again, and I’ve released the self-loathing I’ve felt in the past few years, which is kind of miraculous considering If you’re considering refreshing your wardrobe seasonally, or need a whole new set of work clothes like I did, I highly recommend Dee’s Personal Stylist Services.

10 Incredible Hikes Near Calgary For Families

The proximity of the Badlands and Banff National Park offer unrivaled scenery, and everything from well-kept trails to exposed scrambles are on offer. A simple 5km loop around this stunning island will take in some fantastic natural scenery just a stone’s throw away from the city. Around 15km of trails wind their way into the Rocky Mountains, providing seclusion, peace and a fantastic experience of nature along the way. With stunning scenery available just a stone’s throw from Calgary’s bustling downtown, you don’t have to venture far to get immersed into nature.

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