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Stephanie mom + teacher + blogger
coffee + stickers + planning www.shop3rdgradethoughts.com www.3rdgradethoughts.com www.3rdgradethoughts.etsy.com

Social Audience 50K
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Conflict Management with Kelso's Choice

There are nine choices and lessons to introduce each one, along with a story from Willow Pond to help students role-play and solve these small problems for the animal characters. There is an entire lesson at the beginning about small and big problems to help students differentiate what needs immediate adult intervention versus something they can work together to solve. There are letters and activities for students to take home to help educate the parents and certificates of achievement for every student as they complete the program. With every adult in their daily sphere reiterating these choices, it gives students a solid framework to address small conflicts and feel empowered instead of frustrated.

Saying Farewell with a Goodbye Circle

I like to challenge the kids to say two things: one about the student (a fun memory, a compliment on their character, etc.) and one about their future. When everyone has had the chance to give their message, I let the departing student choose their favorite song and I will play it aloud from Spotify. I put out my favorite gel pens and, just like our Birthday Cards , kids can sign their names. I typically like to hold our Goodbye Circle at the very end of the day or bumped up against a recess.

Candy Bar Graphing: Edible Math Activity

Simply pass out a packet of candy and graphing sheets to each student and you're ready to review bar graphs! The color choices are left blank, so you can use this with any candy you would like. Note: In my initial use of this activity, I had heart-shaped font and students made observations on lined paper. I adjusted the product to include an observation sheet and changed the hearts to circles so it can be used for any holiday or general lesson.

Classroom Organizing Challenge: March, Week 1: Visible Storage {Student Stuff}

I have three main student storage spaces in my classroom: classroom supplies, rainbow drawers, and the white bench. These areas are also in three different areas in my classroom, almost a triangle, so that one small wall isn't holding each and every piece of extra supplies the students might need during the day. Students have their table supplies, but when glue sticks dry out, when they need additional red markers, or an extra sharpener, they come to our classroom supplies area. This shelf is right in front of our meeting area, so it's a quick trip to get a clipboard or grab a Toobaloo Start thinking about your students' supplies and how creating distinct, well-labeled areas around your room can help create a cleaner, tidier, and more efficient workspace for you and your class.

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