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OurValues.org is an online community of American citizens passionate about civility in public discourse and interested in the way our values and ethics shape our daily lives. http://ourvalues.org

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ReadTheSpirit Cover Story: Barbara Brown Taylor's new 'Holy Envy' is a pilgrimage exploring our neighbors' religious riches

HOW DO WE LIVE IN A MULTI-FAITH WORLD? ‘HOLY ENVY’—At a time when millions of Americans are afraid of their neighbors, Barbara Brown Taylor’s new book invites us to take a pilgrimage through the spiritual wonders in our neighbors’ religious traditions. Based on her two decades of teaching Religion 101 at Piedmont College in Georgia, Barbara now is sharing some of her best, real-life stories with students

Cover Story: Meet two heroes who dared to cross boundaries—Retired Col. Clifford Worthy and peace activist Victor Begg

FINDING GOOD FRIENDS ON THE OTHER SIDE TWO DARING HEROES: This week, we are thrilled to share two good-news stories about authors who dared to cross seemingly insurmountable boundaries—and found lifelong friends on the other side. RETIRED COL

Cover Story: MSU's Cultural Guide to Chaldean Americans Explores One of the World's Oldest Communities

Chaldean Americans have survived thousands of years of wars and a host of other global threats—including the need to transplant their ancient community to the United States after threats from Iraq, ISIS and the sectarian violence across the Middle East. OUR FRONT EDGE PUBLISHING column today is from Dmitri Barvinok with news about a revolution in next-wave eBook reading devices with a technology media professionals have been trying to perfect for decades: OUR MUSLIM NEIGHBORS’—Lots of terrific authors are on the road this spring—and one of the most important is Victor Begg with his inspirational and sometimes downright funny stories from his new memoir, Our Muslim Neighbors. Regional news media already are covering Victor’s tour, such as this report in The Arab American News.

Cover Story: Suzy Farbman returns with 'Silver Linings of a Caregiver'

—For six years, since the publication of her book GodSigns, Suzy Farbman has shared hope-filled columns with us about remarkable men and women coping with challenges that most of us would consider insurmountable. In recent months, Suzy has not appeared in our online magazine because she has devoted all of her energy to helping her husband Burton through one of the darkest medical challenges families can face: an aggressive brain tumor, major surgery and the rehab that follows. Who Surround Us … LINDA JARKEY and our whole team at the publishing house are thanking a Michigan angel who just introduced Linda’s unusual children’s book, Sadie Sees Trouble, to a new audience of kids and parents. In fact, Heather Rae’s creative work is so expansive, it spreads across two websites: Little Lotus Wellness & Meditation as well as Heather Rae:

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