2012 Fran hadn’t yet made lifelong best friends, fallen in love, witnessed divorce or experienced heartbreak, gone to college, made more best friends, or grown-up literally, at all.
Kopp's, played a lot of Field Hockey, had some wild nights at Trinity, stood in the pouring rain for hours at Summerfest to hear my favorite song, earned first place at one of my water ballet competitions in middle school (THAT was exciting), cheered at Brewer’s games, drank Spotted Cow, hosted annual cookie exchange parties for my best friend's and their mom's, attended sleepaway camp for years in a row (the archery pic I am laughing), the list goes on…
I think it’s important for me to move on from a place where my family has entirely left, where my career isn’t (at least right now), in order to pursue new things and discover what I’m going to do with my life.
While it’s sad right now and definitely not going to be easy from the get-go, I just know that I would never be fully satisfied if I never left Milwaukee, and now that my family has left, it’s a good time for me to go, too.