Seth Leitman

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🍃@GreenLivingGuy® 🚙#EV expert 🌲Green Living Guru 🌿@GreenGuruGuides with @TAB_DIY 💚Run @DriveEVHV. 🔋So @buildyourownev. Seen on TV! Videos on my site!

Location Briarcliff Manor , NY East Coast
Country United States of America
Member Since JULY 27, 2019
Social Audience 139K
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Repairing the Hudson Valley

That old tale, arising not from folk but from corporate interests, said that unlimited growth and soaring GDP is the measure of economic health and community wellbeing; that a rising stock market protects us, no matter how rundown our neighborhoods; that deregulation stimulates investment, even as climate destabilizing emissions rise; and that national security need only focus on existential threats beyond our borders, and not on quality of life and preservation of civil liberties. By acting now with foresight and hard work, we can care for each other, reinvesting in people and the land, creating a future for the Hudson Valley that emphasizes the Permaculture principles of Care of the Earth, Care of People, and Fair share of resources. While it is true that there is little that small communities can do to independently reverse climate change, there are many things these same communities can do to mitigate the climate crisis in their area as it unfolds, and to future-proof themselves against climate chaos. A few practical repair ideas: community flood proofing in preparation for climate chaos, implementation of drought resistant landscaping, institutionalization of green building practices, zoning against development in climate disaster-prone floodplains, the installation of redundant stormproof energy systems, the establishment of community-wide food security, and the creation of damage control centers equipped to deal with sudden disasters

Sustainable Hudson Valley

Self reflection, inner work, efforts to raise consciousness and depth and clarity of perception, to serve society in an authentic sense, carry little value. A dangerously polarized world unable to understand or empathize with the perspective of others, a wholesale disconnect from the natural world and the interdependence between personal/social/economic well being and healthy ecosystems, and a devaluation of the pursuit of truth, be it empirical scientific or matters of the heart and human relationships. An aspiration and priority for a broader epistemology must be firmly established in the education culture and society at large, one that honors, supports and validates intuitive creativity, visioning, play, meditation, reflective discussion (ongoing), service, critical thinking, and the aspiration to truth. Through enlightened charter schools, independent schools, un-schooling, home school groups, teacher development, curricular models, town meetings, blogs, film, music, theater, media and much more, we can all contribute to helping to create a more enlightened society through education.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

The burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity results in huge carbon emissions that heat the planet, leading to the greenhouse effect. You don’t have to go vegetarian, simply reducing your red meat intake to a couple of days a week can have a huge impact on the environment. Each serving of red meat you eat increases your carbon footprint by at least 20 times and 100 times the land use compared to the same serving of vegetables. You can help break the cycle by reducing clothes shopping, buying second-hand, avoiding fast-fashion brands and purchasing natural fiber clothing.

Is It Safe To Use Herbs On Daily Basis?

Moreover, ginger has been used to relieve morning sickness and sage for sore throat, and kratom for pain relief for the longest time. Five Healing Herbs to Safely Use Daily Since you already know that there is no reason not to use herbs daily, let’s get you familiarized with the top five healing herbs. As such, the common conditions that garlic treats are: You should try garlic if you suffer from traveler’s diarrhea. Two varieties of it, like Spanish sage and common sage, effectively reduce high cholesterol and sugar in the blood.

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