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Beauty Blogger, skincare avid, mom, travel and foodies️, for any collaboration: carnellin@gmail.com. Thank you.

Member Since JULY 19, 2018
Social Audience 866
  • Style & Fashion
  • Beauty
Kiehl’s Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash

This face wash is best to be used as a final cleanser, after removing all makeup and for daily debris or those morning washes (note: when you slept on a clean skin for sure), so it's a lightweight wash. The yellowish brown clear gel lathers easily and smells like their calendula toner, if you haven't tried their calendula toner, well, you're missing a lot. I'm not gonna say it's a deep cleansing product, more like a daily face wash that I like to use for every day and as often as I want. It cleans my skin and helps removing makeup remover or anything left behind by the previous cleanser or my daily cleanser when I'm not using any makeup nor sunscreen (like said).

KOELF Hydrogel Eye Patch and Face Mask

, kita gunakan pada wajah yang bersih, semprotkan sedikit face mist atau toner lalu tempel deh di area yang dibutuhkan. , kita gunakan pada wajah yang bersih, semprotkan sedikit face mist atau toner lalu tempel deh di area yang dibutuhkan. Diamkan sekitar 30 menit, lepas dan kita bisa pakai pelembab favorit seperti biasa.-*-Semua masker ini cukup nyaman dan lembut untuk digunakan oleh pria maupun wanita, anakku yang remaja juga sering banget pakai, so these babies are a hit in my home. mata yang kering, bengkak, sehingga lebih halus dan bantu mengurangi dark eye circle juga).Dan jangan lupa, meski judulnya eye patch,

Mask & Pillow Aroma L’essentiel du Japon

● Please refrain from using this product on fibres that are sensitive to water, important clothing, etc. as it may cause stains. [Use] Spray 2 to 3 times on the outside of the mask with a 20 cm gap. [Ingredients] Water, natural fermentation ethanol, floral water (pesticide-free), essential oil, plant deodorizer. Since the pandemic all over the world, we are required to use a face mask on daily basis, for the rest of the world it might be something that 'kinda new' but for Japanese, they use face mask almost any other day.

Pour La Peau Daily UV Protect Calamine Sun Screen SPF 50+/PA++++

Since the texture itself at first it is liquid and watery, but once distributed it was more like a liquid powder, so it gives me a powdery feeling and very comfortable. To get the liquid out, we just need to gently squeeze it, remember it's a watery consistency, so without the need of too much effort, the liquid will comes out. There's nothing inside the tube beside the sunscreen, usually there's a metal ball that helps us shake the liquid, but perhaps it is not necessary with this formula, which seems like solid and uniform enough. Since the SPF and PA is quite high and promote long term usage, I don't have to keep reapplying, maybe only when I'm doing a very busy or active physical exercise that involves a sweat and water like sea or swimming pool.

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