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The Entrepreneurs' Organization's Official Facebook Page. Welcome!

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How EO taught me I’m a no-good dirty liar (even though I wrote the book on honesty)

See, I never meant to write this particular book, Honest to Greatness, about how today’s greatest leaders use strategic, brutal honesty to achieve success in their lives and businesses. As I learned from an expensive, painful, brain-scrambling book launch this past summer that missed the goal by only several thousand copies, we don’t always strike gold (though we sure like to buy the best-lookin’, golden pickaxe as our weapon of choice). What started as a quarter-life crisis turned into my goal to write a marketing book, which morphed, in the care and guidance of far more intelligent folks than I, into something so much more: a treatise on why we lie, how our biases, self-limiting beliefs and ego damage our lives and businesses, and how, ironically, a lesson we all learned in preschool turns out to be one of the greatest strategies to achieve remarkable success He’s the author of Honest to Greatness: How Today’s Greatest Leaders Use Brutal Honesty to Achieve Massive Success, an Inc. 5000 serial entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, and business coach who works with organizations and their leaders to help them overcome self-limiting lies and use honesty to achieve greatness.

No Idea? No Problem. How to Be a Successful Entrepreneur Without a Winning Idea

Written for EO by Walker Deibel, an experienced acquisition entrepreneur who has co-founded three startups and acquired seven companies. Would you rather move a heavy object already in motion or one at rest? If you remember high school science, you’d choose the one with existing forward momentum

Octane Blog – The official blog of the Entrepreneurs' Organization

In today’s Octane blog, we bring EO members and non-members alike behind the scenes of 2019 EO Global Leadership Conference Macau (GLC), profiling Leonard Brody, one of the event’s carefully selected speakers who is known as “a leader of the new world order. ” Brody is an award-winning entrepreneur, venture capitalist, bestselling author and two-time Emmy-nominated media visionary

Steve Wozniak Shows Entrepreneurship Is a State of Mind, Not a Destination

EO members from around the globe are converging on the vibrant, diverse city of Macau in China for #EOGLC2019. And we’re continuing to profile some of the event’s premier speakers

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