During #ClimateWeek, I had the privilege of participating in a special #EnelFocusOn panel with Enel Group CEO Francesco Starace and Rachel Kyte, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All.
Rather than degrade our planet’s health and wellness, and our future, actual sustainability becomes climate’s ally and a smarter business decision.
But as Rachel Kyte pointed out, renewables gives way to decentralization, allowing us to rethink traditional energy grids and plants, deliver energy to previously unreachable places and “have clean energy preserve the environment at a cost that everyone can afford.
Like in any form of creative destruction (or digital Darwinism), there’s an incredibly powerful, influential and wealthy old guard who refuse to release their stronghold on the past, continue to squeeze planet Earth of her resources at the expense of everything and everyone, and protect themselves and each other at any cost.