Sarah Blevins

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Love. Life. Style. Smiles. Sarah. Matt. Abby. Jake. COLLABS: ๐Ÿ“ง ๐Ÿ“#SoCAL โžก๏ธ ๐Ÿ“#AL + ๐Ÿ”† #Travel

Location Dothan, Alabama USA
Country United States
Member Since MAY 03, 2019
Social Audience 16K
  • Moz DA 20

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  • Traveling
Why We Exclusively Host on Airbnb

I know that some may not agree with my line of thought but as I mentioned before my goal is to spend as little time on busy work and devote my time to an organized, curated guest experience. Before we even closed on our first condo, I was soaking in every piece of information that I could about what itโ€™s like to own a short-term rental and host on Airbnb Next, while itโ€™s not really fun or light reading, Every Airbnb Hostโ€™s Tax Guide is a must-read because like it or not, this is a business and you are going to need to know all of this information. In my next post, I plan to share What itโ€™s Like to be an Airbnb Host and cover what I do day to day to keep our place in great shape, fully booked, and guests happy.

How to Host a Surprise Zoom Party Featuring Snap Ships!

For this feature, we have teamed up with our friends at Snap Ships and if you asked me a year ago if I would be posting about Zoom parties for kids I would have scratched my head, but we are living through a pandemic So, we are excited to share our Zoom Party showcasing Snap Ships you can also translate this concept to a variety of other items! Since the parents were in on it, they got to tell the kids that they have a Surprise Zoom Party at 7pm. We started the party by telling them that we are having a Snap Ships Zoom Party

Visit Landmark Park in Dothan, Alabama!

We are lucky to have a number of great little places nearby to explore and Landmark Park is one of our favorites. Typically, they are those places that the kids visit on grade school field trips but often great destinations for families to enjoy as well. Our favorite activities, which I am going to talk more about below, including walking on the elevated boardwalk nature trail, checking out historical buildings, loving on the farm animals, and getting some ice cream. (read my post here about scouting) and Landmark Park provides numerous opportunities throughout the year to help these kids meet requirements for badges through educational programs and experiences.

I am obsessed with the Nike Run Club app + Spotify and why you should be too!

For years I had been using the MapMyRun app by Under Armour and while it did a great job mapping and tracking my runs, I felt like my only motivation was to beat a pace, length or duration of a previous run. The Nike Run Club App has hundreds of guided runs, tracks your runs, gives you rewards and more! If you tap Guided Runs up top you can see literally hundreds of runs of all duration and distance. There is even a Half Marathon Guided Plan where you can follow 14 weeks of guided runs/training and be ready for race day.

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