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Hey Folks, welcome to my little cancer story page. To find out more about my story pop over to my blog Thanks a million A�

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Celebrating Aunty Flow

and I was becoming increasingly fed up, as my friends were all having babies I felt like my body had aged twenty years. This felt like an enormous relief, I had never felt hormone therapy was right for me and I finally felt like I might get my body back. Five months later and all the side effects of my chemical menopause have gradually disappeared and I have had my first period in years. If you are struggling with health issues or stress and would like to track your symptoms pop over to sign up free to Health Storylines

Cancer with a Smile Meets Elle from Feathering the Empty Nest

Since Teddy died in May 2016 I have dedicated much of my time to fundraising for The Little Roo fund through Teddy’s Legacy, so far we have raised over £100,000. I spend my time with my trusty sidekick Boris (the pug) and have recently written my first book, Ask Me His Name, which is Teddy’s story and ours since he died, being published on 6th September 2018. I honestly think you would struggle to find someone who’s answer to that question is no” It’s also allowed me to tell Teddy’s story, through my blog and through others; for which I am eternally grateful.

Cancer with a Smile Meets Anna from Mamas Scrapbook

My highest highs are in the moments I’m present and feel so alive. It’s bloody hard work It gives me a deep sense of honour and achievement to work with people in such an intimate way. I’m so proud of all my clients for the hard work they do and the things they work through and overcome.

Acupuncture and Hot Flush Hell.

A few ladies in my Instagram community had recommended acupuncture and thankfully with a few phones calls, my Breast Cancer Nurse had me on the waiting list for the Integrated Care Hospital in Glasgow. so it’s hard to know if my reduced stress levels, better sleep and less hot flushes were down to all those little needles or not Revising my symptoms with the nurse made me realise how valuable it can be to track symptoms which is the feature of the Health Storylines app that interested me the most when they first got in touch with me. If you are struggling with health issues or stress and would like to track your symptoms pop over to sign up free to Health Storylines

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