Ginny Marie

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Serve me up a slice of that sweet 'n sour life! Lemon Drop Pie is a blog about motherhood after breast cancer:

Social Audience 2K
  • Education
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I Love Walking in the Rain

Whenever you are in training for a big event, such as the 2-day walk that Ed and I did, you are bound to have to put some miles in in the rain. As long as it’s not too cold and I’m not getting too wet, I don’t mind walking in the rain. Last night, I still needed to walk 1,000 more steps to reach my daily goal of 10,000. I decided to put my new Columbia raincoat to the test, and went outside for a quick walk.

I.T. Troubles

Part of Ed’s job is I. T., and of course, I have experience with blogging and social media. It’s a British show about the IT department at a big corporation. I also make some graphics for a couple of digital signs at our church, so at the last minute on Sunday morning, I was trying to update them. I had my graphics updated and ready to go in five minutes, after wasting double that amount of time complaining about the stupid software!

Sunday Night Supper

Last Sunday, Ed and I volunteered for the Sunday Night Supper, which is at a local church for people in need. This church is in a prosperous suburb of Chicago; and yet, there is definitely a need to provide food for people who are just scraping by and perhaps are even homeless. I was assigned to a drink cart with two other woman; an assignment I thought would be an easy gig. Some of them wanted just apple juice, some wanted apple juice and milk, and some wanted everything.

10,000 Steps Per Day

Today was Day 3 of my challenge to walk 10,000 steps per day. I took advantage of the beautiful fall day we had here and walked to the gym this morning to get some stepping done on the treadmill. Ed and I also took an extra long walk last night to get some of my steps in. Ten thousand steps take a surprisingly long time to walk!

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