Laurie Fleming

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Come join my journey as I manage a typical mom life. From cooking to cleaning, to my journeys with my Instant Pot.

Location Broomall, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Member Since MARCH 05, 2019
Social Audience 925
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Air Fryer Tyson Chicken Wings

Cooking frozen chicken wings in the air fryer has never been easier, and truthfully they are so much cheaper than fresh wings. If you are looking for some other wing recipes, some of my favorites are AIR FRYER BBQ CHICKEN WINGS, AIR FRYER PAPRIKA CHICKEN WINGS, EASY AIR FRYER CHICKEN WINGS or AIR FRYER CHINESE CHICKEN WINGS. While the hot air circulates around the frozen chicken wings, the air fryer will do that for you. • AIR FRYER, THE BEST AIR FRYER CHICKEN WINGS, HEALTHY (NO OIL) AND DELICIOUS–GREAT RECIPE!

Air Fryer Vanilla Donuts

Like any vanilla donut recipe this one starts off with a few pantry items and some refrigerated items. For the Chocolate Icing (Ganache), I used my favorite recipe of all time, the foolproof Alton Brown Ganache Frosting Recipe. Spray your donut pans with cooking spray, than pour your batter into the donut pans, filling about 2/3 the way full. Let the donuts cool completely, before adding the ganache (the recipe link is in the recipe card with full instructions) Drizzle the ganache over the donuts.

Air Fryer Sausages With Roasted Apples and Butternut Squash

The air fryer also does an amazing job at roasting vegetables, today I added onions, apples, and butternut squash, but you can use any combination you like. This Air Fryer Sausages With Roasted Apples and Butternut Squash is perfectly cooked and served along with diced onions, apples, and butternut squash is truly a meal made in minutes. I love roasted apples and love roasted squash, so they were the natural items to pair Italian sausages well. How To Make Air Fryer Sausages With Roasted Apples and Butternut Squash Start by cutting up the vegetables, and apples, then add them into the air fryer basket.

Air Fryer Cherry Chimichangas

This is very similar to cherry flautas, cherry enchiladas, or even an air fryer cherry cheesecake taco ( If you are looking for even more Air Fryer Dessert Recipes, some of my favorites are AIR FRYER PEANUT BUTTER BANANA EGG ROLLS, APPLE PIE CINNAMON ROLL CUPS, AIR FRYER CHERRY CHEESECAKE EGG ROLLS or AIR FRYER OREO CINNAMON ROLLS. Start by preheating the air fryer to 400 degrees F, air fryer setting. Today, I used cherry, but this recipe would work perfectly with apple, peach, blueberry, or blackberry pie filling.

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