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I sit - occasionally will drink - and talk about writing and reading. I've also been told I got the subtle sass, so you can look forward to that too.

I graduated from the University of Iowa and hold a BA in English Literature with an emphasis in 20th/21st Century Literature & Creative Writing.

For business contact: PLEASE NOTE: I am currently not accepting books for review unless we already have an established business relationship. Sorry!

My channel header art was made my Melody (@melowdee)!

My channel picture was taken by Jenna (

The cartoon image of me used as the intro in some of my videos was made by Max from WellDoneBooks!

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March Wrap Up

This month I completed only one book My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness which was a really good read. I now have to divide my time between this blog and my uni blog Feeling Lonely in the Book Blogging Community What happened this month? Also this month I did some things I’ve been putting off for a long time

Why I No Longer Post My Reviews to Goodreads, Twitter, & Tumblr

I remember one of my first discussion posts was on how some authors can’t seem to let go of their works, and use social media as a way to gain control over them (I think we can all think of at least one author who does that ahem), and I suppose this post is a little similar in nature. For me personally, it’s not worth the agro of potentially getting into it with an author because I dared to write a ‘negative’ review and post it on social media. It’s guess it’s tough to find some sort of online etiquette that we as readers/reviews and authors can all agree on? But I think for the most part authors know responding publicly to a negative review is a bad look, and reviewers tagging authors in low-rated reviews is a shitty thing to do.

Manga Review: My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness – Kabi Nagata

My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness is an honest and heartfelt look at one young woman’s exploration of her sexuality, mental well-being, and growing up in our modern age. Told using expressive artwork that invokes both laughter and tears, this moving and highly entertaining single volume depicts not only the artist’s burgeoning sexuality, but many other personal aspects of her life that will resonate with readers. I wanted to read a shorter manga and someone on Twitter recommended this manga. It’s a short, autobiographical manga about a woman in her late twenties basically figuring her life out and since I’m in a similar position I thought great why not?

I Love Spring Book Tag!

Spring is coming very soon and I love spring! 3) Show us a book cover that makes you think of Spring. 4) 6) What are your favourite Spring reads? I don’t really know why I’m looking forward to Spring considering we don’t really have seasons where I live

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