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The Glamorganic Goddess is a healthy beauty + lifestyle site written by a sassy, young Breast Cancer Survivor + Natural Beauty Advocate. ♥ www.glamorganicgoddess.com ♥

Social Audience 43K
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Organic + Natural Produce Delivery

I’ve been on the hunt for an Organic Produce Delivery / CSA-type Box for awhile now, + this seems to be the only organic one that delivers to my area at the moment. I think they’re great thing to have from time to time – especially when you’re in a bind, or just want to switch it up + try things your local store may not have! They also have other sizes, as well as conventional options (which area bit cheaper), + Red, Orange + Green only Juicing Boxes which I also thought was pretty cool! My only complaint is that just about everything in the box came individually wrapped in tons of paper, with 4 Desi-Pak Natural Dehumidification Packs, 4 large Ice Packs, + then in a huge plastic bag.

The Glamorganic Goddess

It’s no secret that I love NOW Foods, + have been using their products for years… whether it be their natural + organic beauty products (they have lots of great DIY ingredients, BTW), their natural + organic foods, or their vitamins + supplements. NOW has been a family-owned natural products manufacturer for more than 50 years, + is dedicated to providing customers with a comprehensive approach to wellness by offering more than 1,400 high-quality, natural + affordable products, including… functional foods, supplements, health + sports nutrition products, beauty products + essential oils. Their industry-leading Quality Control + Quality Assurance programs guarantee that what’s on the label is in the bottle or package, + NOW goes beyond required GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices) to ensure it brings pure + effective natural products to market. NOW products bear a variety of certifications + seals that not only underscore the brand’s commitment to responsible manufacturing, but ensure it’s producing safe + effective, high quality products.

THESIS BEAUTY Poppy Seed Face Scrub + WEDDERSPOON Manuka Honey

I squeeze a little bit of Wedderspoon Manuka Honey KFactor 16 into my hand (their new squeeze bottle is my favorite! ), + add a dash of Thesis Beauty West Indies Poppy Seed Face Scrub. KFactor 16 Monofloral Manuka Honey is raw, Non-GMO Project Verified, sourced + packed in New Zealand for authenticity + traceability, + free of antibiotics, pesticides, + glyphosate. Manuka Honey is ah-mazing on your skin because it’s a humectant – meaning it helps your skin retain moisture + suppleness. Thesis Beauty’s West Indies Poppy Seed Face Scrub is made from Kaolin Clay, Organic Poppy Seeds, Organic Rosehips, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Allspice, French Green Clay, Moroccan Rhassoul Clay, Baking Soda + Organic Cloves – making it one of the most natural ways to exfoliate your skin without using any plastic beads, toxic chemicals, abrasive particles or aggressive acids.

The Glamorganic Goddess

Many of you know that I’ve worked with Unite For HER over the years as one of their Health + Beauty Advisors – but in 2015, with a 2nd Breast Cancer diagnosis, I had to take a step back (from both UFH + the Blog, etc.) Unite for HER’s mission is to bridge the gap between the medical + wellness communities, by funding complementary therapies that support the physical + emotional needs of those diagnosed with Breast Cancer, during + after Treatment. HER Care Boxes – feature a range of self-care items, carefully curated by UFH’s Medical + Wellness Advisors to promote healing, that will empower HER emotional + physical well-being during Breast Cancer Treatment, + far beyond. Your gift extends beyond each recipient; each HER Care Box purchased benefits the Unite for HER Wellness Program + mission, serving women affected by Breast Cancer in the Philadelphia, PA Region.

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