While we really don’t know what meat supply is going to look like later this year, I can’t fault you for wanting to make sure you have hamburger and steaks ready for summer grilling.
When I am taking my weekly or biweekly trips to the grocery store I am still seeing beef and lots of other protein sources available at the meat counter.
My customers could walk into a box store and get similar products, but they like the curated looks, customer service, and unique products I have to offer so they decide to do business with me.
Again, it isn’t a better or lesser option than direct to consumer or the grocery store, it is simply a different model.
I want to talk about finding some peace and joy in saying no.
Both are thrust into a new life, with a new sense of independence and we are expected to excel.
Breastfeeding, birthday parties, PTO, church, exercise, arts and crafts, sports, dance, happy hours.
But I also want to talk about saying no to big things.
Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 10) is going to look a heck of a lot different for everyone this year.
This is also a great chance to support local Des Moines restaurants such as Skips, Francie’s, Clyde’s Fine Diner, Bubba, Americana, Harbinger, Tumea & Sons and Fong’s Pizza.
Gift cards are great options, because not only will you be able to help support local Des Moines’ businesses, you’ll have them for later when the world calms down a bit!
BLK&Bold is a local coffee company that offers coffee subscriptions (and tea if coffee isn’t your thing.)
We typically pick “easy” hikes whether we’re in Colorado or Iowa.
You can also select the difficulty (we pick easy hikes) and whether there is a feature like a lake or river.
This trail has a neat little bridge over a stream and depending on what path you take, you can hike to see the bison or Saylorville Lake.
Ledges is a great place to hike on a warm day since you can hike in the creek too.