Claudia Schmidt

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Working mom of a 19 and 21 year old who started blogging after breast cancer diagnosis n 2010. Looking at life through a new lens now.

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How Having Expectations Has Shaped My Existence

One of the things I’ve learned from breast cancer is to stop spending so much time focusing on expectations and what could be, versus what actually is. Before I had breast cancer, expectations caused me more pain and drama than almost anything in my life

How To Raise Kids In A Tech-Obsessed World

Raising kids in our tech-obsessed world can be challenging. In particular, providing advice via text is an interesting lesson in brevity

The Barnes Foundation

It’s a lot of fun to have two discretionary days a week to focus on doing things that feed my soul. With that as my mantra, I have been busily filling my Monday’s and Friday’s with trips that I’ve wanted to make for years

Obsessed With Reading

You are here: Obsessed With Reading Now that I have more time on my hands, I’ve been doing a lot of reading. I recently finished ‘A Gentleman In Moscow’ by Amor Towles

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