Joy the Baker

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Brussels Sprout Brunch Pasta

I added the eggs because I wanted to serve it at a friend brunch at The Bakehouse alongside brunch favorites: praline bacon, fruit salad (no bananas / mostly watermelon), cream scones, Muffuletta Deviled Eggs, and a sweet potato hash made from leftover Chili Baked Sweet Potato Fries. The incredible flavor comes from a bright parsley pesto combined with sauteed Brussels, al dente pasta, parmesan and fried eggs. Add parsley, olive oil, walnuts, garlic, 3/4 teaspoons sea salt, and about 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Add the shredded Brussels sprouts, 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt and about 1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper.

Let It Be Sunday, 222!

This picture sums up my dad giving my mom a little bit of a hard time and my mom ignoring / laughing about it. This week’s long read is about a Louisiana reality that is really hard to fathom: Mothers Have Been Complaining About Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed for More than Half a Centure. Who Really Committed To Their Look At The Met Gala This Year.

Buttery Crisp Rhubars

I feel like I’ve indulgently enjoyed more than my fair share of sweet strawberries lately and I’ve been craving the sour bite of rhubarb alone. 10 YEARS LATER I’ve revisited the proportions, adding a bit of firmness and several handfuls of rhubarb to make these sweet, buttery crisp, and lightly tart squares. I chose thick matchsticks for these bars so I sliced my rhubarb into three inch long sticks and, because those babies were thick, I sliced each three inch stick in half. For the Crust and Topping: a splash of almond extract or 1 teaspoon of lemon zest (optional) 5 stalks of rhubarb or about 4 cups of rhubarb cut into 3 inch sticks

Let It Be Sunday, 221!

I started the week by listening to a podcast about a recent cult (that podcast linked below), and it really got me thinking about if I have the sort of brain that could every fall into a cult… or the sort of brain that was already unknowingly in a cult. I’m teaching a strawberry pie (sadly no rhubarb) class today and speaking on a panel about storytelling on Instagram on Monday. This week I listened to this podcast about the NXIVM cult:  CBC Podcast Uncover Season 1. This week’s long read from Texas Monthly is not optional.

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