Yogi Akal

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Yogi Akal is a pioneer in working with the total being, personally and professionally. Since 1973, he has traversed the globe training healers and therapists , and has been an influential advocate for human rights, gender equality, and children everywhere. He was the first yogi to be elected to a national board for peace and international security in Canada and served as an NGO representative at the United Nations. Yogi Akal also broke new ground with his community safety and stabilization program, which has been successfully implemented at local and international levels. Through his Global Leadership Summit, he addresses current and emergent issues at the highest level. His comprehensive Das Prakash™ training programs in alternative medicine and Yoga Therapy are innovating how teachers and healers lead and are of service in countries around the world. Contact business development consultation, leadership training and consulting, and execution excellence training.

Location Toronto, Ontario
Country Canada
Member Since JUNE 08, 2021
Social Audience 0
yogiakal.net Last Month
  • Moz DA 10
  • Family and Relationships
Take a Breath

When you are meditating, become bold. When you are bold, relax. When you relax, be grateful. The Five Pillars of Safety and Security

Practicing Innovation

Whatever you are doing now, Go past your pre-conceived limits. When you feel it is too much, when you feel confronted, you have just begun. Then relax and seed what is possible. One word, one thought, one action, one penny – with the active consciousness of an innovative mind – can change everything.

Practicing Innovation

Whatever you are doing now, When you feel it is too much, You have just begun. Then relax and seed what is possible

The Five Pillars of Safety and Security

Every economy, whether a nation, continent, a corporation or a family unit flourishes when it encourages centres of excellence, develops economic independence and healthy interdependence. Fresh food, streamlined healthcare, upgraded education, beautiful ecosystems, green transport, etc. can be easily provided when innovation is interwoven with development in modern cities of all sizes. Non-reactive, disciplined leaders break the rational paradigm and create space for intuition, innovation and authenticity in communication. There is never a reason to raise one’s voice, but if you must, yell loudly, be calm and fierce – and synchronize the grass roots, corporate influencers and security personnel to one singular peaceful vision.

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