Once you decide where your shelves are going to go, you’ll want to measure the space and cut your 1 1/2″ x 3/4″ x 6′ support boards into the appropriate size pieces for your shelves (you’ll want your 3-sided band of support boards to be the same as your length and width of your shelf that will sit on top of them).
For a side board that is sitting flush with the floor and the wall (like the board we have on the left side of that floor shelf above) you’ll either have to skillfully remove the baseboard in your closet, cut out sections to fit around where the shelf boards come in contact with the wall, and put the baseboard back in place, OR, you can cheat a little and just use a jigsaw to cut out a baseboard-shaped notch so it will sit flush against the curve of the floor/baseboard/wall all at once.
This is one way to add a support shelf with a rod underneath (and then you would have your rod cut to the length you needed to fit), but I’ll also show you what we did to add a rod a bit easier in Todd’s closet on the other side.
You just attach the brackets that go with the rod on either side of where you want to mount it, extend or cut the rod to the length you need (you can use a simple hacksaw to cut the rod if you need one shorter than you can purchase) and you’re ready to go!