After a July getaway to HongKong, Korea and Japan, we dashed home to button up The Serving Mindset to be sent off to press for official publication date of November 6 by our fabulous publishers at Skyhorse, and after a lovely time in Toronto seeing films, family and friends, and after having JUST submitted the manuscript of the next book, The Big Book of Healing Drinks, due out Spring 2019 (also by Skyhorse), we are ready to breathe and focus on that book giveaway I promised you a while ago in this post.
We have set aside 7 (SEVEN! ) crisp advance copies of The Serving Mindset:
Stop Selling and Grow Your Business, which I will sign and personalize with a message from the author for you.
If that approach also nauseates you (YAY! ), if you are sick of getting pitched and sicker still of having to pitch in order to sell (which is not true), if you are hungry for true connection, a real conversation, and creating a genuine AND highly profitable business where you feel FANTASTIC about your service and product offerings as well as your premium pricing (now we’re talking my language), then my book, The Serving Mindset, will speak to you on a deep level and teach you that serving is your one competitive advantage.