Florence Strang

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Help for cancer survivors to live healthier and happier lives and reduce their risk for cancer recurrence.

Social Audience 35K
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What Are Soul Steps?

gave me one of those hard earned life lessons, which is Soul Step 42 in my new book, Soul Steps: 52 Ways to Reconnect with Spirit. Natalie, Veronica, and I are three “ordinary” women who have lived through extraordinary life experiences which we share with you in our new book, Soul Steps: 52 Ways to Reconnect with Spirit. In Soul Steps, you will read our personal life stories, but the real beauty of this book is that it is not really about us, it is about YOU! At the end of each chapter you, the reader, are guided to uncover the soul lessons of your life as you put each soul step into action.

Persevere: A Life With Cancer

You Look Great; You’d Never Know I look great. Sometimes they say, “You don’t look sick at all. They say, “You’d never know. You can buy Lisa’s book here: www.lisasbook.com.

Help! Someone I Love Has Cancer: How You Can Really Make a Difference

I would like to introduce to you Joel and Rebekah Hughes, who live in Irvine, California. Seven months later, Joel’s dad was diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer. Two months later, at the age of 26, Rebekah was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. I wrote this book to inspire people with our story, to help people learn what cancer is, and show people how to really help a friend or loved one walking the cancer journey.


Left to right: Paula, Donna, Flo (me) and Susan, December, 2016 Donna was a woman who showed us how to put the FUN back into FUNeral! I first met Donna when she joined my breast cancer support group, Sharing our Strength (SOS) in 2016. Our SOS group, dressed in black with pink scarves, stood in honor guard as we held an archway of pick roses the length of the church. Driving home from work the day before the funeral, I said out loud, “Donna, I literally have 15 minutes to find a pink pashmina scarf.

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