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5 tips to keep your purse light and uncluttered

This post is sponsored by Cuyana, one of the very first conscious brands I discovered, almost six years ago. I immediately felt drawn to their “Fewer, better” philosophy, and I love knowing that each piece is made by skilled craftsmen, from the highest-quality materials, with integrity and kindness

tulum: what i packed + what i wore

In March, Aaron and I got to spent 4 healing days in Tulum, celebrating my 33rd birthday. It was so serene and calming, I hardly even know how to put it into words for this post

spring style: my uniform for warmer days

So as we take our first steps into spring, I’m looking to an old concept to help stabilize my style as I move into a new season: When I first learned about uniform dressing in 2014 my first thought was, “A uniform? For example, the uniform I’m wearing in this post — high rise bottoms, oversized top, flat shoes — is one I can tailor to any season because it’s not too specific. 1 | HIGH RISE BOTTOMS | I love a high rise, but it’s got to be comfortable. 3 | FLAT SHOES | Also available in brown | My neutral style can feel a little bit predictable at times

11 neutral (and stunning) one-piece swimsuits

Aaron and I are heading to the beach next week for my birthday, and I’m so excited for some sunshine! While preparing for the trip, I went on a quest to find the perfect neutral, one-piece swimsuit. I’ve always loved the idea of pairing vintage denim shorts with a classic white or terra-cotta one-piece

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