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myeyesareuphere.org Last Month
  • Moz DA 13
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No Parking West of Here

I still think, every day, about the fact that I was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly 8 years ago. I have had fitness testing and my cardiovascular health has improved a good deal in last last year or so. I thought I looked good 25 pounds ago. Looking good is not the same as health.

The Second Marshmallow

Delay of gratification is an aspect of motivation and I mean motivation from a neurological standpoint, not the popular understanding of just “wanting hard enough. This brings me to today’s topic, which is motivation to exercise. Let me repeat that,  doing things that are good for you in the long run but not satisfying right now is really hard, especially if there is no immediate bad thing that happens if I skip it. If you exercise after work, change into work out gear at your work place or as soon as you get home.

Nisqually Delta

On My Worst Enemy SeasonedSistah2Today is Better Than Yesterday Telling KnotsAbout 30% of people diagnosed with breast cancer at any stage will develop distal metastasis. The Pink UnderbellyA day in the life of a sassy Texas girl dealing with breast cancer and its messy aftermath Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer making sense of the breast cancer experience together The Sarcastic BoobDetermined to Manage Breast Cancer with the Same Level of Sarcasm with which I Manage Everything Else FEC-THisLife after a tango with death & its best friend cancer


On My Worst Enemy SeasonedSistah2Today is Better Than Yesterday Telling KnotsAbout 30% of people diagnosed with breast cancer at any stage will develop distal metastasis. Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer making sense of the breast cancer experience together Telling KnotsAbout 30% of people diagnosed with breast cancer at any stage will develop distal metastasis. The Sarcastic BoobDetermined to Manage Breast Cancer with the Same Level of Sarcasm with which I Manage Everything Else FEC-THisLife after a tango with death & its best friend cancer

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