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5 Foods That Increase Your Alzheimer’s Risk, Say Doctors

To help us compile the list of the top foods that can lead to Alzheimer's, we asked Dr. Christine Bishara, MD and founder of From Within Medical, as well as Dr. Amber O'Brien, MD and health expert at EZCare Clinic on their opinions of which foods present the largest Alzheimer's risk. The common finding…is the disruption of the gut-brain axis through transmission of abnormal proteins through the vagus nerve that sends signals from the gut to the brain," says Dr. Bishara. [Any] packaged cookies or sweets with added ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils or sugar as the first ingredient [contributes to an increased Alzheimer's risk]," Dr. Bishara said. "People consuming starchy foods, including bread, pasta, [and] rice…excessively are also at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease," says Dr. O'Brien.

The 6 Best Diets That Will Make You Live Longer

For those of us looking to lose weight over the next twelve months, a brand new diet can not only help us hit our weight loss goals, but also introduces us to new foods, raises our energy levels, and helps us live longer, more fulfilled lives. To help streamline your weight loss process and guarantee a long and healthy life, we talked to a wide range of registered dietitians, nutritionists, and medical doctors to assemble the top six diets that help you live longer. The science is very clear that a plant-based or plant-forward diet is quite remarkable for its positive impact on longevity and healthspan," says Dr. Nicole Harkin, MD, FACC, founder and cardiologist of Whole Heart Cardiology. "Numerous epidemiologic studies…have demonstrated that an increased intake of plant-based foods results in reduced risk of cardiovascular and other causes of death," says Dr. Harkin.

The 28 Best & Worst Pumpkin Spice Foods

Anyone who loved this seasonal flavor last fall will probably love it even more after a year off—until the 19 grams of fat and 19 grams of sugar hit. “Made with real pumpkin, whole nuts and only 5 grams of sugar (which is 50% less sugar than the average nutrition bar), it’s a tasty snack to enjoy all season long. And that’s not all: Each half-cup serving packs in 5 grams of filling protein coming from milk protein concentrate to keep you from spooning till you reach the bottom. We love that Alden’s pumpkin ice cream is organic, and that they cut the sugar count down from 20 grams last year to 17 grams this year.

40 Easy Ways To Burn More Calories Right Now

If you do find that you’re sitting quite a bit throughout the day, there’s an easy way to take advantage says Alanna Zabel, star of the Element: Beginner Level Yoga DVD. If it’s possible, consider getting off at an earlier drop off point and walking the rest of the way to burn extra calories. Next time you’re stuck in traffic or at a red light (as it’s important not to let yourself get distracted driving), you can easily take advantage of the time to work your core muscles and improve posture. Just because you don’t have extra time to drive to the gym and back on a regular basis doesn’t mean you don’t have time to squeeze in a few walks this week.

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