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where the lovely things land

Social Audience 34K
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Trina's Current Favorite Beauty Products

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve shared some of my favorite products, and if you are anything like me then you are always curious about what others are using and loving. Most mornings I just simply use a warm wash cloth to wash my face, but a couple of times a week I use *Exfolikate (on my forever faves list). Eye Cream Charlotte Tilbury Magic Eye Rescue Cream to Turn Back the Clock: Aveda Shampure Dry Shampoo: This dry shampoo is in powder form and I really like it.

Dear Sister, #5

The sun, on the other side, bright and toasty–rising rather quickly, heating my arms and face through the paned, bedroom window. It’s, rather, fascinating to know that the moon orbits the earth, while the earth orbits the sun–they do move a little differently, after all. Should you find your sky clouded with no view of sun nor moon –he is light, there is no darkness in him (1 John 1:15). And if, scarcity be hispering (yes, hispering–a hissing whisper) in your ear, it’s not God nor goodness –he is a God of more than enough (2 Corinthians 9:8-11).

If You're Tired of Trying to Get it Right

Because this worked with people, I believed this was how it worked with God, times a thousand million. If Christ is in us then we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ. It takes a conscious interruption to stop working on what “I sense” is wrong, to remind myself that I am not responsible for how everyone else feels, and to realign my thinking with what God says. Trying to please others or trying to make sure everyone feels comfortable so that I can feel comfortable doesn’t do anyone any good.

La La Loving

Simple styling that really stands out. The colors, textures, shapes and simple design is pretty perfect

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