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  • Street Style
  • Women's Fashion
Spring Ready

Hello Everyone! I can’t believe how fast this year is going. Anyone else waiting until the last minute to do your taxes? Today’s look is inspired by what I would wear on vacation

Upcycling: From old tablecloth to Boho-chic top

Would you believe that these beautiful and fun Boho-chic tops were once an old tablecloth, some vintage scarves and a piano runner? Carla Itkin of Perazzio Clothing is a Hollywood seamstress who is drawn to old vintage fabrics such as embroidered tablecloths and handmade lace as representative of old handicrafts which have fallen by the wayside in the face of modern machining. Vintage tablecloths feature natural fabrics with substantive and satisfying feel such as heavy linens or white on white madeira embroidery. These tops not only have Coachella-ready Boho chic, but unlike a mass-produced peasant blouse are truly one-of-a-kind pieces that unlock clothing potential for eco-change.

Red Leopard

Hello Everyone! I hope the weather is treating you well wherever you live. Here in Los Angeles it’s been rainy, cold and windy

Houndstooth Blazer & Blue Trousers

One great thing that I love is creating and playing with different fabrics and patterns. I bought these linen trousers a few weeks ago and I fell in love with them so much that I bought them in both red and blue. Here, I paired this blue pair with my favorite houndstooth blazer, I also added this pair of white booties and this cute hat. What better way start the year than with a great outfit that makes you feel confident.

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