mother-ing” in general; but there was a disconnect between their experiences as mothers living on Guam in the 80’s and 90’s, and my experience of being a mother in the US with today’s 21st century resources (and scientific studies)–especially since we had moved from Guam and are now living in Seattle, Washington.
“MotherhoodGU is the place for families with Micronesian ties to connect, share encouragement, support, resources and news as we raise our children in a world where culture matters in every discussion.
I hope MotherhoodGU becomes the place for families with Micronesian ties to connect, share their advice and their stories on how they embrace culture during modern times.
The goal is to bring support, encouragement, news and resources to our people, so that we can raise our children in a world where culture matters in every discussion–so that our people can have a voice and platform to share with the world.