We took the Age of Invasions Tour which detailed the arrival of the Vikings, the Norman invasion and the ongoing excavations of the site of the first Anglo-Norman castle built in Ireland, on the Hill of Carrig.
The channel, created by the confluence of the ‘Three Sisters’, the River Nore, Barrow and Suir, gave easy access for the Vikings to sail their ships up river and settle Ireland’s first city, Waterford and by the time the English invaded, it was evident how important this vantage point was for landing their armies and protecting the gateway to Ireland.
Regnar, King of the Vikings, sailed into the Waterford Estuary and up the River Suir to establish a new home for the Norse Vikings after years of raiding Ireland’s monasteries.
By the twelfth century, with the invasion of the Normans, Ragnar’s fortification was replaced with a stone tower, now known as Reginald’s Tower and the last King of the Vikings, Ragnar’s descendant was thrown into the Tower’s dungeon, a prisoner of the new Lords of Ireland.