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Submitted for the approval of Belles and Rebelles, we call this story…

Member Since JULY 05, 2018
Social Audience 1K
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Moon Mother Hemp Company

As a woman owned company, we can safely say that Moon Mother Hemp Company truly cares about how you feel as a female. Still, with a great variety of environmentally responsible, safe and healthy products, their high quality CBD can certainly be enjoyed by male and nonbinary people alike. It is their latest drop, an Organic CBD Intimacy Oil, vaginal health is at the forefront. Multi-purposed, this oil is not only great for it's soothing effects (post wax, etc), but is also can act as a super lubricant, enhancing those most sensual moments.


From the pollution in our bodies to the pollution in our oceans, ZenWTR presents an initiative that rids pollution for both our selves and the planet. The only beverage that can boast a 100% Recycled Certified Ocean-Bound Platic bottling, this beverage brand is thirsty for change. Beyond the fact that everything down to labels and caps are made with recycled materials, ZenWTR takes their mission a step further, donating a percentage of sales to charities dedicated to conservation and coastal clean-up. ZenWTR also provides the healthiest beverage for your body, a vapor distilled alkaline water that will have you feeling good inside and out.

Throwback Thursday

To learn more, see more, and to work with Photographer Emmanuel Faure, click here


Easy to manage and clean (dishwasher safe!), this perfect little humidifier doesn't just elevate the look of your living space (instagram worthy design!), it elevates your entire wellbeing. Unique technology does away with the pesky "mold issue" that haunts other humidifiers, and while Canopy products do not emit a mist, they do release clean moisture, filtered and hydrated air. Canopy helps you reach optimal indoor humidity levels which ultimately leaves you with hydrated, healthy skin. This little, yet powerful product helps in preventing wrinkles and dryness, while strengthens skin barriers and maintains skin's elasticity.

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