Minted Millennial

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5 Easy Ways To Make Money From Home

While some freelancing opportunities have a bigger learning curve, such as designing websites, there are some opportunities that you can learn how to do in a week or two that will pay very well. The best way to gain experience, however, is by getting clients and actually doing work for someone else. As you gain testimonials and experience, your demand will increase and therefore your rates can increase as well. I will recommend that when you’re starting out, the best way to get clients is by reaching out to brands, blogs, and individuals via email to land your first couple gigs and get testimonials.

How To Pay Off Student Loans Faster

How To Pay Off Student Loans FasterWhether you’ve been dealing with student loans for years, or you’ve only recently graduated from college, you probably are ready to cleanse yourself of this financial burden. This $305 was divided up between 4 loans of varying interest rates, so really it was minimum payments of around $80, $70, $75, and $80. Now, instead of having to pay around $75 for all of the loans, I’m now only paying $30 or $40 minimums per month. So now, I’m paying a total of approximately $100 between 3 of my loans, and I’m able to put the remaining $205 towards my loan with the highest interest.

Putting $5,000 Towards My Student Loans In One Month

Welcome back to my Hustle Young, Retire Early series, where I am documenting my journey to financial independence from $30k in student loan debt! As of the beginning of March, I had paid off about $2,000 worth of my student loans since January. Since I’m not currently earning significant revenue from Minted Millennial, my paychecks from my full-time job are the only income source At the beginning of 2020, I had set a goal to get my loans down to at least $20,000 by the end of the year.

What Is The Best Savings Account?

Online banks (sometimes referred to as ‘Direct Banks’) have fewer expenses compared to a typical brick-and-mortar bank as they don’t have any physical locations, and they have far fewer staffing requirements. You generally do NOT want to use a savings account for: It is not advised to use a savings account for those reasons since investing your money in the stock market or real estate will earn you far better returns. After scouring the internet for reviews on various high-yield banks, I determined that CIT Bank’s Savings Builder was one of the most reliable online banks out there. The only fee that is charged is a $10 outgoing wire transfer fee for account balances under $25k, which is far less than most other banks.

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