Out of Office Gal

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I'm Lauren of Out of Office Gal - a travel blog and Instagram account dedicated to sharing travel tips & inspiration to help women around the world embrace their wanderlust (even with limited vacation days, no one to go with, and a tight budget!). I truly believe that travel is the most educational thing a person can do for themselves and thru my platforms, hope to make that process of planning & taking the leap a little less scary!

Location Los Angeles, USA
Country United States of America
Member Since NOVEMBER 14, 2019
Social Audience 9K
outofofficegal.com Last Month
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Ultimate Romantic Bucket List South Africa — outofofficegal

It’s no secret that South Africa is the ultimate romantic destination. Whether you are looking for a quiet escape, a place to “pop the question”, a honeymoon destination or an exciting anniversary trip, South Africa’s got it all. From lush jungles to mountaintops, and rugged ocean coastline to desert plains, the natural scenery and vibrant culture of South Africa is inherently romantic. Here is a list of perfect South African dates that you need to add to your couples bucket list.

How to Travel Smart & Safely in South Africa — outofofficegal

Apparently a couple guys walked her into the gas station and told her she needed to purchase a covid pass at what was clearly an ATM. A man in a maroon jacket (all the other gas station attendants were wearing matching red uniforms) walks up and tells me I need to go inside to pay at the ATM machine. While the gas was pumping, Sonya went to the bathroom and when she came back to the vehicle - that same guy tried to approach her and tell her to use the ATM machine inside. None Don’t walk around outside with your phone out In Johannesburg, someone walked up to Colin (who was standing outside our hotel on his phone) and told him not to stand on the street with his phone exposed….someone will walk right up and snatch it and run away.

How to Be a Responsible Tourist — outofofficegal

While certainly less popular, there are some airlines who have fully committed to carbon- offsetting, who have simply built it into their general flight pricing such as British Airways. Though many of these specific airlines claim shoulder the majority of the cost on their own, as does British Airways, it is fair to assume at least some of this cost is passed down to the passenger. While you are looking at an additional investment either way, booking a flight through one of these airlines will cost you less, since it does not rely on opt-in participation and the cost is shared evenly amongst EVERY passenger. Also, the more travellers opt-in to fantastic efforts like carbon-offsetting, the more companies will be forced to take on additional corporate social responsibility, as the implication will be that it is important to the consumer and it will become generally expected.

Beyond Cape Town: What to do in South Africa — outofofficegal

Cape Town is well known for its versatility, with its mega appeal to young backpackers and luxury- seekers alike. It’s also an approachable way to dip your toe into the waters of travel throughout the continent of Africa. While Cape Town is absolutely worth the recommendation, it tends to overshadow the incredible destinations throughout the rest of South Africa. Instead, consider starting or ending your travels via Cape Town, and check out some of these lesser-known African gems.

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