Fiona Maunder

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Expander Expander Expander

The end of 2018 saw me have my first fill in my expander for a total of 100ml. It was amazing….. to go from being totally flat to having something that kinda looked like a boob was flipping amazing! It was then that I felt sorry for righty boob as that looked very sad and droopy 😂 as my beautiful daughter said to me upon her inspection, ‘ I only concern was the scarring in the middle of my ‘boobs’ which is where old scar tissue has attached to the chest wall creating a large dip/dent.

Post Op and Recovery

I returned after one week to see my surgeon as she wanted to check the condition of my skin. Last week I returned to the my exercise, firstly easing into Pilates which helps my flexibility and range of movement. My surgeon has agreed to try 60 ml fills to start with and see how that goes. Because I am lean and don’t have much fat or tissue around the expander or beneath the skin, she doesn’t want to take the chance of rupturing the scar.

I’m Back!!!!

The most common options of breast reconstruction requires taking a part of your own body, skin, fat and muscle, to create the new boob. It’s not a very common option here in the UK, whereas in USA it’s becoming very popular. The thing about breast reconstruction is that you don’t go into surgery with a flat chest and come out with a fine set of boobs. As you can see it’s a long journey and even once the implant is in, I may have more surgery to even things up with my real boob.

Getting the balance right…

My last post was about clothes, what to wear, what not to wear and more to the point coming to terms with summer and only having one boob. I didn’t have to wear a bra and it covered my boob. But I still didn’t have any summery tops to wear so I can walk around with one boob like a don’t care!

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