Amanda J Henderson

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Country United States of America
Member Since JUNE 30, 2019
Social Audience 8K
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Quote Elisabeth Elliot, Let me be a woman Men and women have always shared equal value, yet were created with distinct purposes The dynamic of romance is like a dance, where two come together. Though we might manage alone, we choose to unite as one, relying on each other to fill in where we are not strong. He supports me, and I nurture him. What if there was no need for struggle because God's design has always been flawlessly intentional🤍 . . #letmebeawoman #elisabethelliot #foryoupage #explorepage #femininity #masculinity #feminine #masculine #christianwife #biblicalwife #biblicalliving #christianliving #biblicalwomanhood #homemakingministries #createdtobehishelpmeet #helpmeet ##husbandappreciation #biblicalmarriage #christianmarriage

I love this 💯🙌🏻 I won't pretend my life is perfect. Its hard sometimes. Other times, it's a mess. I stress out and get overwhelmed or frustrated. People I love have left. Business propositions I really wanted fell thru. Sometimes I'm treated unfairly despite my hard work in life and love. Ive had to cut toxic people from my life. Sometimes I make mistakes and have to check myself. Just like everyone else. But I don't feel that it's necessary to put all of that into the world. To post anger and rudeness or complain constantly, hurt or tear people down. And if I ever did slip up and let my immaturity get the best of me, I remove it and self check myself. I just feel and hope that sharing the positive and the love and the message of kindness will help anyone reading it do the same with their day and their issues. All I know is that staying in an angry, volatile state holds you back. Keeping grudges holds you back. It's toxic and it only poisons and doesn't nourish. It takes more strength and beauty to be kind then it does to just spew ugliness and hate from your mouth. love and self happiness, it's a choice to wake up everyday with that in mind. People gravitate towards positivity and kindness, maybe not at first but they do. And the ones that don't, need to find it in themselves. I'm going to choose continuing to glow myself up, instead of spending my time tearing others down 💋❤️💯

Choose God 🤍 . . #christiancommunity #faithoverfear #christianwoman #Jesusistheonlyway #foryoupage #explorepage #christianreels #notperfectbutforgiven #warriorforChrist #savednotsoft #narrowpath #blessedlife #Godisgood #Jesussaves #thekingdomofGodisathand #Jesussavedme

It's not popular, at first it feels completely awkward but once you let go and let God, let your husband lead, and you stop trying to wear the pants, your marriage will not just be better but it will flourish . . #stoptryingtowearthepants #wivessubmittoyourhusbands #foryoupage #explorepage #christianwife #biblicalwife #biblicalliving #christianliving #createdtobehishelpmeet #helpmeet #homemakingministries #biblicalwomanhood #marriageGodsway #Godsdesign #oneflesh #marriageadvice #husbandandwife

People are so wild these days . . #Godfirst #masculinityisnottoxic #foryoupage #explorepage #Godwasntconfused #christianliving #biblicalliving #controversial #raisingadisciple #raisingGodlykids #homemakingministries #motherhoodunplugged

You should be an absolute monster then harness it . . #strongman ##tysonjames #jordanpeterson #foryoupage #explorepage #raisingadisciple #raisingsomeoneshusband #biblicaltruth #biblicalparenting #christianliving #biblicalliving #motherhoodismyministry #raisingsomeonesfather #masculinityisnottoxic #masculinitymatters

Be the voice for the voiceless

It echoes those words of Joshua, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord." You know what a thrilling feeling it is to lead your family to knowing Jesus? That your children come to know the Lord because of you being an example of Christ. It puts the verse in 1 Corinthians 11 into perspective when Paul said: “Be ye follower of me, even as I also am of Christ.” Listen, mom and dad, it is not someone else’s job to point your kids to Christ, it is your job. Now let me ask you, if your family came up to you about coming to know the Lord, wanting to be saved. Could you lead them to Christ. Could you point them to Christ? Do you know the way? Can your family see Christ in you? Are you the example you should be? If not then here is the beginning of the path to Christ, let them see you come to Jesus today. . . #leadingchildrentoChrist #masculinity #femininity #foryoupage #explorepage #biblicalparenting #christianliving #Christianfamily #biblicalwomanhood #christianparenting

Seriously, what was it?? Was it something I said?

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