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Online Event: Australia Results: Travis Styles Wins!

The Online Ranking Event for the Australia region which took place on June 1st has now concluded and we have the final results. Styles took 1st place, DS|Somniac took 2nd place and Rupps took 3rd place. Now let's take a look at the full Online Ranking Event: If you missed any of the action, be sure to visit our videos page, where we will have a playlist for matches from the event!

Online Event: Middle East Results: United Arab Emirates' NASR

The Online Ranking Event for the Middle East region which was held on June 1st is now over and NASR|Big Bird from the United Arab Emirates has taken 1st place. TEN|VolcanoRosso took 2nd place and Aziz from Kuwait took 3rd place. Now let's take a look at the full Online Event: If you missed any of the action, be sure to visit our videos page, where we will have a playlist for matches from the event!

Dreamhack Dallas 2019 Results: REC

Dreamhack Dallas 2019, held in Dallas, TX, USA on May 31st through June 2nd, is in the books and REC|Punk has won yet another event! Punk is on an incredible winning streak so far including winning three of the four Premier Events this season. TALON|HotDog29, all the way from Hong Kong, took 2nd place and END|Shine took 3rd place. If you missed any of the action, be sure to visit our videos page, where we will have a playlist for matches from the event!

Team Inferno’s JB: A Street Fighter Beast from Coast to Coast

While he wasn’t always the fighting game savant we know and love today, his childhood fostered a love for the Street Fighter series that has continued into the present day - and now, he’s making big waves in the series’ competitive circuit in a major way. While other fighting game players may have discovered the genre through a friend group, hanging out in the arcade, or by happy circumstance, JB grew up around the Street Fighter games, harboring a deep familiarity with the series from a young age. , Street Fighter is like a “digital chess game,” a sentiment echoed by his Street Fighter League opponent, Derek “iDom” Ruffin, who similarly stated that the series is like a “high speed chess match. This year, JB hopes to qualify for Capcom Cup 2019 in December, in order to compete with SFV’s top players at the game’s most high-stakes tournament of the Pro Tour season.

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