Debbie Emery

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Brookfarm ~ Alpacas in the Valley of the Moon. Where we take pride raising Huacaya Alpacas & create works of art from luscious, hypoallergenic fleece.

Social Audience 347
  • Women's Health
  • Medical Health
Oy Vey; The Feet and More...

What started as IDC (Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma) in 2011, then turned into CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) in 2013, probably partially caused by chemotherapy along with a genetic pre-disposition. Here we are now in March 2016 and I am newly diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer in the left breast and liver (LMBC - liver metastasized breast cancer). And if you are now cancer free of breast cancer, do everything you can to insist that your doctors follow up with an occasional PET Scan and labs for tumor markers. While I welcome their support, I hope that by sharing this experience freely to the universe I may help to support others by breaking down some of the barriers and fear associated with breast cancer and the treatment.

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