
Score (What’s this?)

Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.

Going Zero Waste

  • Style & Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Personal Care
A Composting Guide for Apartment Living

You mash it all down and then add in an activator mix which is full of microbes which speed the process of decomposition. According to the website you should have compost in 4 weeks

Simple Homemade Lavender Bath Salts

The lavender bath salts I used to always keep by the tub were an unnatural shade of purple. I just looked up their ingredients and yikes - low-quality salt with synthetic fragrances and dyes

Dating with Lifestyle Differences

A: When I started high school, and my cousin invited me to a sock hop at his school across town, I became "the new girl" that none of the fellows had ever met. I learned quickly what an asset a new girl can have coming into a crowd where everyone knows everyone else

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